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Today officially mark Bruno first day of 1 week annual leave, although I couldn’t manage to have the same time off, I took 1 day as leave, when you going back to work as a part time looks like you have more holidays, anyway the idea was to go out in town or just catching the southern and go following our heart and the train stops. The forecast weather clearly had other ideas and it is an annoyingly rainy day, which with a toddler will get complicated, he will get bored of indoors football with daddy or sliding from mummy knees or drawing lines with the crayons on the paper and on the old wooden tv unit, yes we let him do it, was second hand and not anymore in good condition and actually he is now his toy “box” stand to reach the window exercise block you name it he found a use for so who cares.

So after breakfast I though, maybe, maybe, could be a good idea prepping for dinner which will be meatballs in tomatoes sauce and for supper pizza.

While Rafael was sleeping I prepared the dough very easy

  1. 250gr of plain flour
  2. 1 tsp of salt
  3. 1/2 tsp of sugar
  4. 1 tsp of instant dried yeast
  5. 60gr of vegetable oils
  6. 120gr of luke warm water

It is a very easy fast dough you can use it straight away without waiting to rise or like I do I let it rise. On the top I just use or cherry tomatoes or a mix of vegetables ribbons like carrots, courgettes thin onions slice or with potatoes.

Looks like that at 3pm there will be a truce and we might be able to walk out the house. Finger crossed.